Chicken Strength Complaints Cockfighting S128
Chicken Strength Complaints Cockfighting S128 – Maybe you have read similar or similar articles, but this article is different because we have taken it from reliable sources, following the power of fighting cocks in s128 cockfighting.
A good fighting cock is a chicken that has special abilities when it comes to the arena of competition. That way, the process of getting good quality in the competition arena requires a long time and complicated training. If you don’t regularly care for fighting chickens, it will definitely be difficult to have good quality chickens. That way, make sure you know in advance about how and also a good strategy for Caring for Fighting Chickens.
As well as for attack training and also for defending patarung chickens, it is very important. The attack possessed by chickens is indeed an important thing for a tough fighting cock. That way, make sure you have to train in every chicken movement from attack and also defense.
On this occasion we will discuss how to train chickens for defense. So it’s not just the attacker who needs to be careful every day. But also from providing defense training if the chicken is attacked by an opponent. It will be very difficult if the chickens do not have a good defensive strategy. It’s useless if he has good quality play but bad defense.
The first stage of training you take care of the chicken food that we provide every day. If we have chickens that are fulfilled in terms of nutrition and vitamins in their bodies, the chickens will have a good performance. It’s different when chickens are deficient in vitamins or malnutrition. It’s very difficult to be given training or have a good game.
For food that is suitable to be given to fighting chickens is food that contains lots of nutrients and also protein. Like giving corn and brown rice to fighting chickens. This giving of corn has very good benefits for the body of the chicken. Because in corn there is a very high protein for the body of the chicken. Giving brown rice will also improve the quality of cock fighting.
In brown rice also contains lots of protein which is very useful to increase energy for chickens. In addition, it also functions to provide additional immunity to the chicken’s body so that it is not prone to disease. Then we can only provide movement training for fighting chickens.
For the most important movement in dealing with opponents in the arena of competition is a running motion. The running movements in this fighting chicken need to be trained in order to have agile movements. If the chicken has an agile movement, it is very difficult to attack by the opponent. Next is to train all the leg muscles and chicken wings. Because for protection from opponent attacks, the most commonly used are the wings and the number of chicken legs.
For chicken leg training we can provide training using chicken barbells. The method is very easy, we just have to buy a barbell that is specifically for chickens. Currently there are also many sellers of these barbells for fighting chickens. Next is a running exercise by moving the chicken’s body until its feet touch the ground. To train these chicken wings is a little tricky. In addition, we also need patience to train chicken wings.
Namely by how to flap the chicken wings every morning and examine if there are damaged feathers we pull out. This is so that other hair growth is good. If the feathers on the chicken, especially on the chicken wings are good, it will be maximized when in the competition arena. Those were some of the ways and also the steps to provide defense training against fighting cocks.…